Welcome to GHEMS

School House System

A House System, based on the Ron Clark Academy House System.

GHEMS uses a House System, based on the Ron Clark Academy House System. It is a dynamic, exciting, and proven way to create a positive climate and culture for students and staff. We are using RCA to help our students to build character, relationships, and school spirit. Every student and staff member will “Spin the Wheel” to decide which House they will be a part of. Students will remain in their House throughout their years at GHEMS. Students will participate in events and activities through the year with their House.

circle of houses

**Cultivating a Sense of Belonging**

At Garrett Heights, we foster a culture of belonging through our unique House System. Students are immersed in an environment where personal achievements translate into points for their respective Houses throughout the academic year. This system not only allows individuals to receive daily recognition from their peers but also emphasizes the collective effort toward the shared goal of winning the championship.

Unlike other schools where academic success might be perceived as uncool, at Garrett Heights, good behavior and accomplishments are esteemed by students who understand that each success contributes to their House’s advancement. This sense of belonging extends beyond students to parents, who are encouraged to actively participate in their child’s House. This involvement creates connections with other parents, fostering a supportive community within the larger school framework.

**Fostering School Wide Community**

The House System at Garrett Heights is a creative, cross-age group approach that enhances both the social and academic aspects of students’ lives. Unlike traditional school structures that isolate students by grade, our system encourages interaction across grade levels. Older students serve as mentors and support systems for their younger peers, creating a culture where leadership and guidance are shared experiences.

This mentoring dynamic also extends to teachers and staff, who are encouraged to engage with the House System. This involvement not only forges strong bonds within smaller student groups but also introduces a playful sense of competition among different Houses. Consistent role modeling and mentorship provided by adults as students progress through each grade prove invaluable to their overall personal growth.

**Developing Character Through the House System**

Our House System goes beyond conventional reward mechanisms. It builds character through a unique reward system where individual achievements contribute to a communal pool of points. This communal and social aspect transforms the perception of points from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation over time. Students come to realize the inherent value in behavioral, academic, and ethical traits that are appreciated by their peers.

Furthermore, the beauty of this character-building process lies in its cost-effectiveness. The reward system, centered around point accumulation, is not only impactful but also budget-friendly, providing a sustainable and meaningful approach to student motivation and development.

House Names & Crest

Below is a description of each House’s crest.